General Travel Tips


Official Name Bharat (Hindi), Republic of India (English)
Capital New Delhi
Population 1, 027, 015, 247 (2001 Census)
Area 3.3 million square kilometers
Geographical Location Between latitudes 8 ° 4′ and 37 ° 6 ‘ north and longitudes 68 ° 7 ‘ and 97° 25’ east
Coastline Length 7600 km
Major Religions Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism
Literacy 65.38%

India’s unique geography and geology strongly influences its climate. This is particularly true of the Himalayas in the north and the Thar Desert in the northwest. The Himalayas act as a barrier to the winds flowing down from central Asia. Thus, North India is kept warm or only mildly cold during the winters. In summer, the same phenomenon makes India hot.

The average temperatures for each of India s seasons can be found below…
• Winter (10-15)
• Summer (32-40)
• Monsoon (25-35)
• Post Monsoon (28-34)


The Monsoon provides over 80% of India’s rainfall. Rain reduces temperatures and replenishes rivers, lakes and greenery. The best time to visit India is during October – March, as the Indian summer heat can be rather uncomfortable for first time visitors. The climate of India defies easy generalization, compromising a wide range of weather conditions across a large geographic scale.

India hosts six major climatic subtypes, ranging from desert in the west to glaciers in the north.
India welcomes four seasons:

• Winter (Jan – Feb)
• Summer (March – May)
• Monsoon (June – Sept)
• Post-Monsoon (Oct – Dec)